Workflow management
Workflow makes it possible to control the editing of a layer in a typical author-reviewer-publisher chain.
A layer under workflow management acts like all other layers and can be edited in the normal way. Ramani Cloud takes care of the workflow in the background.
Workflow happens in the WFS service layer. That is, it works both when editing in Ramani Cloud's Map tab, but also through external WFS editors such as QGIS.
Start "track changes" on the layer
Workflow is build upon the version control system in Ramani Cloud, so it is necessary to start "Track changes" on the layer.
- Select a layer by clicking on the line so that it becomes gray.
- Click "Track changes". Read more about Track changes.
- IMPORTANT! Remember to set the Authentication level to "read/write" on the layer.
Assign privileges for sub-users
The sub-users who are assigned a role in the workflow must be granted privileges to the layer. Read more about sub-users and privileges.
- Select a layer by clicking on the line so that it becomes gray.
- Click on "Privileges".
- Set the privilege to "Read and write" (or "All") for each sub-user who is assigned a role in the workflow.
Start Workflow on the layer
- Start workflow on the layer by clicking the "Workflow" button.
- Workflow dialog appears.
- The layer table gets two new system-fields (system fields always start with "rc_"). The fields contain workflow maps for each feature in the table. The fields are:
rc_status Contains status of the feature, which is either: 1=Draft, 2=reviewed or 3=Published.
rc_workflow Contains the workflow chain.
Assign roles in the workflow
A sub-user can have one of the following roles in a workflow:
Author Can create new features. Can also change a feature that is NOT Reviewed or Published. That is which has not progressed further in the workflow.
Reviewer Can change or approve a feature. Can NOT change a feature that is Published.
Publisher Can modify or approve a feature for final publishing.
Sub-users who do not have a role in the workflow can not make changes in the layer.
A role can be undertaken by two or more users. For example, a layer can have three Authors.
Note that it is not necessary that all three roles are assigned. For example, if you want to skip the Reviewer role you can do it.
The Workflow tab
When a layer is under workflow management all transactions on the layer can be seen in the "Workflow" tab. Each line is a transaction. The list shows only transactions that are relevant for a user, that is, those which the user must take action on.
This example shows a transaction on a point made by Lilly, which is a Author.
Each transaction has the following values:
Operation Is the operation carried out on the layer: insert, update or delete.
Table Which table the transaction was performed on.
Fid Primary key value of the feature the transaction was performed on.
Version ID Version-id value of the feature the transaction was performed on.
Status The status the feature has after the transaction.
Latest edit by The sub-user who has executed the transaction.
Authored by The author who created the feature.
Reviewed by The Reviewer who approved the feature.
Published by The Publisher who approved the feature.
Created Transaction timestamp.
Buttons in the Workflow tab:
- Show all Showing all transactions. Also those, which not are relevant for the user.
- See/edit feature Changes to the Map tab and loads the feature for viewing or editing.
- Check feature Approves the feature. Equivalent to an update of the feature without changing it.
After Review
The example shows a point that is reviewed (approved by Reviewer Carl). The point has now status 2.
After "Publish"
The example shows a point that is published (approved by the Publisher Julie). The point has now status 3.
Skipping in the Workflow chain
It is possible for a user to skip a lower stage in the workflow chain. The example shows that reviewer Carl is skipped by publisher Julie.
Workflow informations in the data
Workflow information for the individual features are stored in the layer table in the fields rc_status and rc_workflow.
rc_status Indicates status 1 to 3.
rc_workflow Contains the workflow chain. The chain is a list in the form, for example: "author" => "lilly", "review" => "carl" This chain shows that the feature is created by Lilly, reviewed by Carl, but still not approved by a publisher.
Using an external editor in Workflow
Workflow happens in WFS service layer. This means that it works both when editing in Ramani Cloud's Map tab, but also through external WFS editors such as QGIS.
The layer is loaded and edited in the usual way in QGIS.