RAMANI Location-API (for Android)
Ramani Location-API provides a custom Android framework to obtain geo-location information supporting Unassisted GPS and Assisted GPS conditions, incl. the ability to simulate positioning uncertainty in these use cases
Supported Platforms
With the RAMANI Location-API (for Android), you can build apps that target native 32-bit or 64-bit devices running Android 4.1 and later.
Developing an application with the RAMANI Location-API (for Android) requires the following:
- Android Studio 3.0 or later.
- Android SDK Tools 16 or later.
Getting the Documentation of RAMANI Location-API (for Android)
Documentation of RAMANI Location-API (for Android) is distributed as a Readme.md PDF file and google slides.
Core Functionality
- Read GPS-status and be able to simulate various adverse GPS-reception condition on the GPS-status
- Provide inertia sensor-fusion to estimate geo-location under GPS-unassisted navigation use cases
- Provide Snap-to-road estimated geo-location under GPS-unassisted navigation use cases
- Read Satellites/GNSS status (global navigation satellite system)
- Snap-To-Road
Example App
Example Project
git clone https://team.ujuizi.com:6443/RAMANI/android-location-example.git
Screen Captures
Adding the RAMANI Location-API (for Android) to your project
- Launch Android Studio and either open an existing project, or create a new project.
- Go to your root build.gradle and copy this to your code.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'http://archiva.ujuizi.com/repository/internal'
- Go to your app build.gradle and copy this to your code.
implementation 'com.ujuizi.ramani:location-api:0.0.1-alpha'
Reading Satellites/GNSS Status Data
Read the status Data of Satellites/GNSS data like Total Satellites, Elevation, azimuth, Altitude, Altitude Mean Sea Level, Dilution Of Precision, or etc.
//set up GPSStatusData
GPSStatusData gpsStatusData = new GPSStatusData(mActivity);
//call this to handle GPS Satellite Data Listener
gpsStatusData.addGpsStatusListener(new GPSStatusChangedListener() {
public void onGPSStatusEvent(int event, String status) {
Log.e("Satellites","Gps Status Event : "+status);
public void onGetSatelliteTypes(SatelliteType[] satelliteTypes,
int totalUsedInFixCount, int totalSv) {
// read total satellites
Log.e("Satellites","Total Satellite : "+totalSv);
// read total satellites used in Fix
Log.e("Satellites","Total Satellite : "+totalUsedInFixCount);
// read satellites
for (SatelliteType satelliteType: satelliteTypes){
public void onNmeaMessage(String message, long timestamp) {
//Get Altitude Mean Sea Level
if (message.startsWith("$GPGGA") || message.startsWith("$GNGNS")) {
Double altitudeMsl = getAltitudeMeanSeaLevel(message);
if (altitudeMsl != null) {
Log.e("Satellites","AltitudeMSL : "+String.valueOf(altitudeMsl));
//Get Dilution of Precision (DOP), Horizontal DOP, and Vertical DOP
if (message.startsWith("$GNGSA") || message.startsWith("$GPGSA")) {
DilutionOfPrecision dop = getDop(message);
if (dop != null) {
Log.e("Satellites","DOP : "+String.valueOf(dop.getPositionDop()));
Log.e("Satellites","Horizontal and Vertical DOP :
"+String.valueOf(dop.getHorizontalDop())+" , "+
//add this if you want to get NMea Message
Make sure your project already synced with location manager in your build.gradle .
Setup Offline Routing Data
If setup offline Routing Data is ready, you will able to use the Snap-to-Road.
//Use this if you want to set in UI Thread
OfflineRouting offlineRouting = new OfflineRouting("Your Path",
new OfflineRouting.OfflineRoutingListener() {
public void onRoutingDone(boolean isReady) {
Log.e ("OfflineRouting","Routing ready : "+isReady);
//use this if you want to set in background thread
OfflineRouting offlineRouting = new OfflineRouting("Your Path");
boolean status = offlineRouting.checkGraphStorage();
: You can download the routing data here Indonesia, https://download.ujuizi.com/routing-data/netherlands_routing.zip,Ghana,South Africa.
: Or You can Deploy your routing data by following this instructions:
- Download .pbf file in Geofabrik and select your region.
- Download Graphopper projecT in github:
git clone git://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper.git graphhopper
- go to your cloned directory and open using terminal:
cd graphhopper
- and then import file pbf:
./graphhopper.sh import your-area.pbf
Enable snap-to-road (when poor geo-location provisioning inherent to certain smartphone user scenarios can be addressed by ‘snapping’ the received GPS-fix to the nearest infrastructure, e.g. road or pedestrian track (see this picture)
// use this if you want to use in UI Thread
SnapToRoad snapToRoad = new SnapToRoad(offlineRouting);
snapToRoad.getSnapToRoadInBackground(location, new SnapToRoadListener(){
public void onSuccesSnapped(SnapToRoadModel snappedLocation) {
Log.e("SnapToRoad", "onSuccess : " + snappedLocation.toString());
public void onFailedSnapped(String failedMessage) {
Log.e("SnapToRoad", "onFailedSnapped : " + failedMessage);
//call this if you want to call in Backgroundtask
SnapToRoadModel snaptoroadModel = snaptoroad.getSnapToRoad(location);
Make sure Setup Routing is Ready, if not will get failed.
Mock Location
- Add this to Manifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION" />
- Add your list of locations
MockLocation mockLocation = new MockLocation(this);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.30841,-6.97261,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.30872,-6.97259,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.30894,-6.97257,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.31006,-6.97253,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.31037,-6.97251,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.31061,-6.97249,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.31145,-6.97242,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.3121,-6.97237,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.31219,-6.97236,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.3123,-6.97236,0,0);
mockLocation.addLocations( 110.31239,-6.97236,0,0);
Make sure to enabled Developer Options in Settings Android Device, and enabled mock location to your project app name.