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Sign In

Create a new account

Register with our Cloud services, Our basic plan is free and always will be!

Make sure to choose your user’s Role wisely, since the dashboard will be different.

  • User: Normal role to create an API-Key to use our Ramani services. Create new sub-user, Including store and manage your data (geometry, raster, vector, etc) on our server.
  • Data Provider: To create and manage the catalog from your dataset.

Dashboard interface

After sign-in, depends on your role, the dashboard interface will be different. For role Data Provider, we will discuss that in the create catalog section. And below is the interface for role User:

  1. Main dashboard, containing your services overview information, such as your private layers, sub-user, etc.
  2. To create and get the API-Key, to access our services.
  3. Shows the total usage of services that your account uses.
  4. To create sub-users and manage them.
  5. To manage your private dataset and its privilege for your sub-user.