Cartographic tips

While making a map or an infographic, it is very important to consider the purpose or the meaning it has to carry forward. Looking at the infographic, the user should be able to understand the story. In short, a picture can tell a thousand words but we should make sure that our picture is conveying the right 1000 words which it is meant to do. It is often hard to create such infographics, especially when working with Satellite Imagery. 

Here are a few pointers for conveying the right message: 

When presenting your images, please confider some cartographic best practices to help with the palatability of your infographics. For example, see this time-series of Copernicus Atmosphere Air temperatures, reduced to monthly time-steps for ease of interpretation.

As you see, the output is still dense and not interpreted or stratified for a particular use case. 

Now, in an effort to make this time-series more digestible for public uptake you could calculate Ta anomalies from the same monthly 3-years averages, again over Europe using RAMANI Analytic's yearly-anomalies function:
(Yearly anomalies calculates anomalies based on the climatology of all the selected years. )