Publish to Mobile
With a few lines of java or Objective-c you can initiate map tiles from raster or vector layers from Ramani Cloud using Ramani Maps-API (native Android or iOS app).
With the Ramani Cloud you can not only build your own Geo-spatial content, or add-value to existing maps from our public Digital Data Library (DDL), you can also publish this content instantly to your users using our Maps-API (native Android or iOS app). Or upload back to the Cloud to facilitate crowd-sourcing of data from your App end-users. Our Maps-API instantly recognizes your personal maps, allowing you to integrate them on mobile and web just like you can with our public map offerings. Behind the scenes your maps are automatically tiled and cached for fast rendering and navigation (panning/zooming) on the handset. At the spatial and temporal intersection of any vector data (existing or created at run-time by the user interacting with your App's Map-view) you can query our public EO-data or your private images (time-series). At this intersection the user can obtain information, either presented as static PNG-image, numerical ouput (GeoJSON), or Scalable Vector-Graphics (SVG) for further client-side interactions and analytics. Data access to your private maps may also be protected (authentication is handled based on a customizable API-key) and also map uptake by your end-users can be monitored using our Usage Statistics-dashboard by period, product or region.